Are you seeking a way to bring your group closer together?

Whether you’ve got a department of employees, a crew of volunteers, or a just bunch of like-minded friends, consider one of our group mission trips to Haiti. Healing Haiti offers an experience that will strengthen bonds and create memories for your group that will last a lifetime.

Group mission trips break down barriers. Each member of your group has a light glowing inside of them.  Taking your members away from the busyness of the world and immersing them in the warmth and love of Haiti allows them to discover that light in themselves and each other.

Group Mission Trips with Healing Haiti

We invite to bring your mission group to Haiti where members will not only see God’s work but will serve, themselves, as His hands and feet.

Working as a team to accomplish the common goal of serving others can change the way your mission group works together. An intimacy develops that creates a new way of looking at each other. Understanding, empathy, tolerance, and encouragement are the result of working side-by-side doing the Lord’s work.

Sharing the experience of pouring out God’s love onto others can change the way your group members will view each other forever. They will experience what it’s like to love as Christ calls us to love.

And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.

         Matthew 22:39

Opportunities and Ministries on the Trip

Your group will deliver fresh water to neighbors in Cite Soleil, pray with elderly orphans, and care for sick babies in desperate need of a loving touch. Watch members of your mission group as they are encouraged to step outside of what’s comfortable, become vulnerable to one another, and uncover hidden gifts they never knew they had.

We can help turn a week into a team-building experience that will galvanize your group. When they return home, they will view the world, your organization, their peers, and themselves differently.

Let us help you customize your trip to meet the needs of your group depending on the amount of time you have available, the number of members, and the aspects of service you’d like to experience.  We invite you to reach out to us today and learn more about Healing Haiti’s group mission trips.

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