Short-Term Missions Trip Guide

Haiti Short Term Missions Trip Guide

His Hands His Feet His Work His Love


We are so grateful that you are considering a short-term mission trip to Haiti. We want you to have a great trip — so please read this guide carefully.  It is full of helpful information about the mission and what to expect on your trip. May God smile on you as you explore his will for your life, and see if he might be calling you to a short-term mission trip in Haiti.

Click on any of the sections below to navigate to a specific area of interest. Let us know in the comments below, or reach out through our contact form if you have any questions.


Our Purpose, Mission & Vision
Our Beliefs
Our Values
Our Ministries

Before You Go
Immunizations & Medications
Travel Insurance
Booking Your Flight
Jewelry Policy
Substance Use Policy
Raising Support
Suggested Packing List
Dress Code
Other Things You Should Know

Trip Itinerary
Simple Guidelines

Helping Haiti from Home
Healing Haiti’s Re-entry Ministry

About Healing Haiti


Our Purpose, Mission & Vision


Why do we exist?

Purpose: The world is a better place when families are

What we do

Mission: We are a Christ-centered ministry. We leverage resources to
elevate and unify Haitian families so that the cycle of poverty is broken and the fabric
of the community is strengthened.

What do we want to achieve over time?

• People to know Jesus.
• Unified families with the means to care for themselves.
• To care for each other as family where no family exists.

How are we going to achieve our mission and vision?


    • Faith: We strive to live our faith and share who Jesus is.
    • Family: We believe in God’s design for the family and that children should be raised
      within the family structure.
    • Elevate and Empower: We believe in being in relationship with and not doing for
      Haitians what they can do for themselves. We value job creation, education and
      the local Church as tools to elevate and empower others to achieve their God-given


Our Beliefs


• There is one living, sovereign God who eternally exists in three persons: Father,
Son and Holy Spirit. (Rev 1:8ls. 43:10-11, Deut. 6:4, Matt. 28:19)
• Jesus was sent by the Father to live on earth; he was fully God and fully human,
yet had no sin.
• Jesus willingly laid down his life and, after three days, rose from the grave. In
doing this, Jesus fulfilled the payment for the world’s debt of sin. (Luke 1:31,35, 1
Cor. 15:3, 2 Cor. 5:21)
• The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father and Son to convict the world of sin and
to empower all who believe in Jesus Christ. He lives in every believer and is a
constant helper, teacher, and guide. (John 14:16-17)
“God blesses you who are
poor, for the Kingdom of
God is yours. God blesses
you who are hungry now,
for you will be satisfied.
God blesses you who weep
now, for in due time, you
will laugh.”
~ Luke 6:20-21



• God created people in his image, and everyone matters to God. (Gen. 1:26-27,
Gen 5:1-2)
• All people are sinners and need God’s forgiveness. (Rom. 3:23)
• Those who confess and turn from their sin, trusting in Jesus Christ, will be saved
by grace and become children of God, with the promise of eternal life. (John
3:16-17, Gal. 3:26)

The Church, The Bible & Christ’s Return:

• Jesus Christ is the head of the church and all believing people are members.
• The Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the supreme authority in all matters
of faith and conduct. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
• Jesus Christ will return and there will be a final judgment. (Matt. 24:3,37)



Healing Haiti is a faith-based, non-profit 501(c)3 charity dedicated to serving the
poor, the vulnerable and the disadvantaged.

We believe each one of us have been put on earth for a unique God-given purpose
and that we have all been blessed with spiritual gifts along with time, talents and
treasures that can, if we let them, flow through us to others.

Healing Haiti seeks to use our gifts and those of our team members so that God may
bless those we serve. Most of our team members have been born in the U.S., the
richest country in the world, each with different amounts of time, talent and treasures.

The thing that we seem to have the least of is time.

Haiti is a country with 40% (2015 est.) unemployment—the poorest in the Americas.

Haiti has been blessed with many who have much time and talent, but little treasure.

We believe it would be a misappropriation of our gifts and those of our Haitian
brothers and sisters to bring mission teams to Haiti to do what Haitians can do themselves
while the unemployed watch us work. Whenever possible, Healing Haiti hires Haitians to do the work that needs to be done.

We come alongside them to support them with our time, talents and treasures.

We believe some day, each of us will stand before God and have to account for every
penny that comes into our mission and so we strive to be godly stewards of His many

Healing Haiti is pleased to announce that we have received EFCA Accreditation
(Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). When an organization is
accredited by ECFA, it demonstrates its willingness to follow the model of biblical

To watch videos, see more photos and read about what a typical day in Haiti
will be like visit:


Our Ministries

God’s hand has definitely been on our work in Haiti.

Grace Village

grace village mission in Haiti
We have built Grace Village in Titanyen, Haiti, a place where God’s loving grace can touch the children of Haiti.

Grace Village is home to:
• Grace Children’s homes, where 40+ children live.
• Grace Church, where 300+ regularly attend services.
• Grace Academy aka “Institution Moderne Vision,” a Christian school that
teaches over 300 children daily.

Fleri Cafe

Fleri Boulanje/Café, a for-profit commercial bakery, café and trade school.
Motivated by love and blessed by faith. Their mission is simple—cultivate a
community abundant with physical, economic and spiritual nourishment.

Grace Medical/Dental Clinic, where residents of Titanyen can receive quality
medical services.

Grace Library


Grace Library, one of the largest libraries in Haiti providing 5,000+ French
books to help educate and for enjoyment.

Hope Church & School

Hope Church & School opened in 2016 in Cite Soleil, which continues to spread a
message of hope and grace to the people of the poorest slum in the Americas.
We provide elder care for 30 seniors in Titanyen. Food, water, and medical support
is provided, along with daily and weekly visits for prayer and companionship.
We deliver 87,000 gallons of clean water per week, every week, to the residents of
Cite Soleil. As part of this endeavor, Haitian employees are provided with a livable
wage to support their families.

Financial Support for Primary & Secondary Education

We provide financial support for several primary and secondary schools in Cite Soleil
and Titanyen, two of the poorest areas in the Americas. Food is also delivered to the
schools to feed the children.

Financial Support & Care for Orphans

We provide loving care and financial support for several orphanages in Port-auPrince
and Titanyen, including clothing, food and other needs.

Loving Care & Nurture For the Sick & Dying

We provide loving care and nurturing for sick patients at the Home for Sick & Dying
Babies (& Adults), along with medical supplies, clothing, blankets, diapers, and
other types of financial and operational support.

Adult Literacy Classes

We provide Adult Literacy Classes for our elderly and other adults from Titanyen to
bring dignity and hope for a better future.

Fleri Farms

Fleri Farms is a commercial agri-business located on 28 acres of prime agricultural
land in the cul-de-sac corridor Port-au-Prince. Fleri Farms will be an investment in
the heart of Haiti’s economy that will advance our vision to unify and elevate Haitian



About Haiti

• Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas and only 90 minutes from Miami,
Florida by airplane. Poverty, corruption, and poor access to education for much
of the population are among Haiti’s most serious disadvantages.
• 69% (2012 est.) of Haitians live below the poverty line, making less than $2 a day.
The poor children of Haiti are sometimes fed dirt cookies, made of dirt and oil,
then baked in the sun because their family cannot afford food.
• According to UNICEF, only 30% of Haitians have access to clean drinking water.
Half of the people in Haiti do not know how to read or write.
• 1 in 8 children in Haiti will die before the age of five from treatable and/or
curable diseases. Life expectancy at birth is 61 years for men and 64 years for
women (2012 est.).
• Roughly 80% of Haitians are Roman Catholic.
• The capital city is Port-au-Prince. Haiti’s total population is 10,317,000 (2013 est.).
• The official language is Creole, although children who are educated learn French
in school.
• On January 12, 2010, a major earthquake killed over 230,000 people, leaving 1.5
million people homeless and living in tents.

Before You Go: Planning for Your Missions Trip to Haiti

One of the most important things you can do to ensure you experience the best
possible trip is to plan ahead. Third world travel can be unpredictable and always
requires flexibility, but you can eliminate many “surprises” by being well-prepared.

Getting Your Passport & Haiti

The Haitian authorities require that all Americans entering Haiti have a valid passport.
You will not be allowed into Haiti without one, and it cannot expire within six
months of your travel date. Check with your post office for a passport application,
or go to the U.S. Department of State’s website at:
All travelers should give one colored photocopy of their passport to their team
leaders prior to departing.

Immunizations & Medications Before Traveling to Haiti

Healing Haiti encourages everyone to seek professional advice from their doctor
or international travel clinic about what immunizations are best for travel to Haiti.
Medical identification (tags, bracelet, card, etc.) must be carried by anyone with a
chronic illness such as diabetes or heart conditions.

The Importance of Pre-Trip Meetings

Pre-trip meetings with your team will be held to get questions answered, to bond with team members, to pray, and to prepare you for service in Haiti.

Travel Insurance When Traveling to Haiti

Every missionary is required to purchase a travel insurance card from Healing Haiti’s
vendor. Visit and select
“Travel Insurance Cards.” The basic plan is required (approximately $30), but you
may purchase any of the other plans. Once you purchase the plan, you will be sent
two e-mails from our vendor—one with a copy of your receipt and another with a
copy of your insurance card. Please forward the e-mailed copy of your insurance
card to one of your team leaders. Please note: This is not insurance to protect your
air travel, but rather additional emergency medical insurance that covers specifics
related to international missionary travel.

Booking Your Flight to Haiti

Your flight itinerary will be provided to you by your trip leader. Once you receive
their itinerary, you will be responsible for booking your own flight. When booking
your flight, we highly encourage that all team members travel on the same flight into
and out of Port-au-Prince. This will assist in both customs processing and transportation
issues. After you book your flight, please e-mail a copy of your flight itinerary to
one of your team leaders.

Depending on where you live, we realize that a cost savings can be obtained from
traveling on a different airline. If you prefer to fly on a different airline or flight, please
seek approval from your team leaders before booking.

Jewelry Policy

Leave jewelry at home! We do not want to draw attention to ourselves with
jewelry, including wedding rings, necklaces, ear rings, nose rings, and watches. You
can bring a simple cross necklace, which is actually beneficial to wear so that people
know that you are with a Christian organization. If you have a new piercing that you
do not wish to close up, you can wear the ring, but it must be covered with a flesh colored
band-aid for the duration of the trip.

Our Substance Use Policy

Healing Haiti is a Christ-centered organization and we want to be at our very best
physically, mentally, and spiritually. We want to ensure that through our actions, we
are bringing glory to God. We do not want our actions to jeopardize our witness or
to be a stumbling block for someone else. Therefore, on our mission trips, use of the
following WILL NOT be permitted:
• Use of illicit drugs.
• Use of tobacco (including e-cigs). However, smoking cessation products (i.e., the
patch, gum, etc.) will be allowed.
• Consumption of alcoholic beverages on Healing Haiti’s guest house property or
while serving in the mission field. However, a maximum of two (2) alcoholic beverages
per day is allowed while having downtime at a hotel pool, enjoying dinner
out as a team at a local restaurant, or spending a team day at the beach. Please
note that alcohol consumption on your trip is also at the discretion of your team
leader, who may decide not to permit it at all.
If you want to be perfect,
go, sell your possessions
and give to the poor, and
you will have treasure in



Raising Support for Your Short-Term Missions Trip to Haiti

We encourage you to get others involved in helping you with your journey to Haiti. You are responsible for paying your own airfare, Healing Haiti’s fee, and spending money (a
total of approximately $2,000, depending on airfare costs). Please note that frequent flyer miles are not refundable. If
you need to raise funds, begin the process early since Healing Haiti’s fee is due 30 days before you leave and
you will need to purchase airfare even earlier than that!

A $100 fee will be added to all late payments.
• Tell your church and employers. Consider going to your employers, elders, ministers, priests or mission committee to tell them about your upcoming trip. Often times, they will offer assistance with your trip costs.
• Write support letters or use social media. Send letters to friends, your parents’ friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc. and use social media to get the word out. You may be surprised to find out how many people are willing to help. Make sure to reference your online giving webpage that you can set up via your team’s Managed Missions website.  Online donations are preferred, but if
your supporters want to pay by check, have them make checks payable to “Healing Haiti” and leave the memo line blank. All donations are tax deductible
for your supporters and should be given to one of your team leaders once received. If you need guidance with writing a letter, please read the sample support letter on this page.
• Get your community involved. Make it a project with your youth group, friends, family, or neighbors. Hold a garage sale, car wash, bake sale, or auction.
• Use holidays. Instead of asking for birthday or Christmas gifts, ask family and friends to help you go on a mission trip. You will find that the sacrifice of giving up a present will pale in comparison to the joy of being the hands and feet of Jesus in Haiti.

Be sure to send thank-you notes to your supporters; and while you’re at it, you might want to bring them small gifts from Haiti. This is a great way to show your appreciation and share with them about your experience.

PLEASE NOTE: Healing Haiti will refund airfare
costs (above Healing Haiti’s fee) that you have
solicited as long as you provide them with a
receipt. The refund will be made after you return from Haiti.

Sample Support Letter for Missions Trip

Dear Family & Friends:


I have some exciting news that I wanted to share!

I am going on a mission trip to the poorest country in the Americas — Haiti. I have
thought about this, prayed and talked it over with many of you. I really
feel like this is an opportunity that I cannot pass up.
I am taking the trip with Healing Haiti, an organization that works in
Haiti providing clean water, food, housing, education and the example
of Christ to the poor and most vulnerable ( The
dates of the trip are ________________. The total cost of the trip is


I am writing to humbly ask for your financial support.
Anything you are able to give would be helpful! Gifts to Healing Haiti
for my trip expenses are tax deductible. If you are able to help, please
make your check payable to “Healing Haiti,” and return it to me in the
enclosed, self-addressed envelope by ___________. Feel free to also
use my online giving account at http://________________________.

If you are unable to give at this time, I completely understand! I seek
your prayers as I begin to plan for this mission trip. As you can imag
ine, raising support is sometimes difficult, but I know that if it is God’s

will that I take this trip, then He will provide. While in Haiti, I will have
the opportunity to:
• Deliver clean water to families living in Cite Soleil, the poorest
slum in the Americas.
• Spend time with orphans and visit schools.
• Help care for and nurture babies at the Home for Sick & Dying.
• Bring needed supplies.
My desire for this trip is to perhaps make a small difference in the life
of the Haitian people. Please continue to pray for me as these plans
fall into place.

Love, Jane Smith

Suggested Packing List for Your Trip to Haiti

Everyone is permitted to bring two carry-ons (a suitcase that is small enough to be placed in an overhead compartment and one
other smaller item such as a backpack). We ask that you use the carry-ons for your personal items. Team members will not be
checking bags unless asked to do so by the team leaders.

Team leaders will be bringing checked bags to hold items for group
activities during the week, team snacks, personal liquids, items for the long-term missionaries (if needed), and other items as
requested by Healing Haiti. Leaders should remember to keep the weight of checked bags at 50 pounds or under.


    • Place all items of value in your smallest carry-on
    • Passport
    • Money – small billsCell phone (must be left at guest house)
    • Camera (optional – see camera use policy)
    • Alarm clock or device w/ one on it
    • Flashlight or device w/ one on it
    • Personal medical kit
    • Lip balm
    • Non-mirrored sunglasses (must leave on tap tap)
    • Earplugs (to aid in sleeping at night)\
    • Snack food for airport & daily travels (non-melting)
    • Rain poncho
    • Sweat rag/bandana
    • Volunteer travel insurance card & e-ticket
    • Bible, journal & mission-related devotional
    • Light sweatshirt/jacket for cold airplane or mild evenings in Haiti
    • Activities to do on the plane or during layovers
    • Refillable water bottles (2)
    • Toiletries – toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, lotion, soap, deodorant, hairbrush, hand sanitizer, sunscreen (lotion form only), insect repellent (lotion form only)*
    • Clothing (see Dress Code on this page)
    • Closed-toed water shoes (i.e., Keens)*
    • Comfortable walking shoes
    • Hat for sun protection
    • Electrolyte powder replacement packets
    • 8 GB – 16GB flash drive for photos
    • *Special Note on Liquids: Liquid personal toiletries larger than 3 oz. (toothpaste, shampoo, lotion, sunscreen, insect repellent) need to be packed in checked luggage because they cannot be stored in your carry-ons per airline requirements.
    • All liquid personal toiletries that are 3 oz. and under can be placed in carry-ons if they all fit within one 1-quart freezer bag. Be prepared to show the bag of liquids to security.
    • **Special Note on Crocs: Crocs become very slippery when
      wet and can result in turned ankles. We do not recommend
      wearing them in the field.


Dress Code

These recommendations are made to be sensitive to the culture you are visiting. Please consider it a small sacrifice
to serve the people you will be living amongst. This dress code will be strictly enforced by your team leaders.

  • General Comments:
    Dress conservatively at the airport, guest house, and in the field.
  • No questionable advertisements on clothing.
  • No camo, yoga pants, or leggings.
  • Bring 4-5 changes of clothing, in addition to undergarments and sleepwear.
  • Cleavage must be covered.
    Nice knee length skirt/dress for church and service at Home for the Sick & Dying (capped sleeve)
    Capris and mid to knee length shorts T-shirts and tanks (straps must be at least two inches
  • Swimsuit (No bikinis! Tank-inis are permitted, but
    must totally cover stomach.)


  • Nice collared shirt and dressy knee length shorts for
    church and service at Home for the Sick & Dying
  • Mid to knee length shorts
  • T-shirts
  • Swimsuit
  • Remember to wear your gray Healing Haiti t-shirt on travel
    days and don’t forget to pack your green Healing Haiti dri-fit
    shirt for use on water truck day.




Other Things You Should Know

Beware of the Local Water in Haiti

You should not drink or brush your teeth with any water in Haiti except from the Culligan-style water cooler furnished by Healing Haiti.

Personal water bottles can be refilled at the guest house from the Culligan water cooler. Culligan-style water will be supplied for all field trips.

Do not consume ice made with the local water and avoid
getting water in your mouth when showering.

Meals Provided On Your Mission Trip

Both breakfast and dinner will be provided while in Haiti. Lunch will be eaten in the
field utilizing the snacks you bring. While in Haiti, it is best to eat only food prepared
by our staff or at a hotel/restaurant. Everyone is different and some will have more
sensitive stomachs than others. We will provide traditional Haitian meals and will go
out to eat at local restaurants from time to time that will offer a wide variety of dishes
including hamburgers and fries, pizza, spaghetti, chicken and traditional creole cooking.
Please note that if you have special dietary restrictions like gluten-free, we ask
that you bring your own food that can be cooked by our staff. Gluten-free items are
very hard to find in Haiti so please come prepared with your own gluten-free noodles,
pancake mix, and/or other items. We do offer a gluten-free pizza crust at Fleri Resto,
but it is not made in a gluten-free environment so cross-contamination could occur.


Team members should place their snacks, such as granola bars, nuts, beef jerky and
dried fruit, daily into a large tub provided by Healing Haiti. Bring enough to share
with our Haitian staff! A suggested amount to bring is four items daily. Do not bring
snacks that will melt.


We have laundry services available at the guest house. If you lay your clothes out for
cleaning in the morning, they are usually back within 1-2 days. All clothing is hand
washed and dried. Allow adequate time for drying before you return back to the U.S.


You will have various opportunities to shop in Haiti. Healing Haiti will provide you
with some opportunities to see inspiring organizations that are committed to job
creation and help parents provide for their children. By purchasing items at these
stops, you are supporting the Haitian economy and helping parents to care for
their families. There is limited or no opportunity to use credit cards in Haiti. We
recommend bringing $100 to $300 in cash to cover the cost of lunch in Miami (both
ways), souvenirs, tips for our Haitian staff, a $10 entrance fee into Haiti payable at
the airport, and swimming at a nearby hotel. Do not bring any bills larger than $20
or travelers checks since they are impossible to change. U.S. currency is accepted in

NEVER give money or objects to anybody!! Healing Haiti has a strict giving
policy. Please talk with your team leaders if you feel led to give. Chaos can happen
quickly and you will be surrounded by hundreds if word gets out! Many people will
ask you for a dollar when we are in the streets. Always politely shake your head no
and respond that you only have God’s love to give them. They won’t understand
what you are saying—just keep moving. “Bondye Beni’ou,” which means “God bless
you” in Creole is also nice.

All cell phones, electronics,
and anything else of value
MUST be left at the guest
house. Failure to do so
could result in unwanted
attention and could put
the team in danger.


Upon entering Haiti, you will be given a “green” card that you need to have when
you depart Haiti. DO NOT LOSE THIS CARD!! Keep it tucked in your passport.
Leave your passport at the guest house. Items in your room are secure and can be
left in your room when you are in the field.


Healing Haiti provides two comfortable, secure guest houses for team members to
stay. Both guest houses offer several bathrooms with showers and bedrooms are
air-conditioned during sleeping hours. Photos of our guest houses are available on
our website at under “Mission Trips.”


Since we work in the poorest areas in Haiti, there is limited access to toilets in the
field. We suggest that you try to get in a routine of using the bathroom at the
guest house before we leave each morning. The water you drink during the day
from your water bottles, for the most part, is sweated out of your body and you may
be surprised that you will not need to go that often! If you feel the slightest signs
of diarrhea coming on, take Immodium right away! Please do not flush paper or
feminine products at the guest house.


The guest house does have limited internet access, so you will be able to e-mail
before 8 AM and after 8 PM. You may bring your laptop computer, but we ask that
you limit your time communicating back home. We request that you do not use
social media to share your experiences while in Haiti. The team will be provided with
a blog address that members may give to family and friends to follow the trip that is
reviewed prior to posting. This will help prevent experiences from being taken out of
context and personal information of the Haitian people from being shared. All cell
phones, tablets, and other electronics must be left at the guest house while we are in
the field.


Only two (2) small cameras belonging to the team leaders are allowed to leave the
guest house gates at any time and will be used primarily by the team leaders. Team
members who have a passion for photography may take some of the photos, if
desired, but should not use this as an opportunity to disengage from the people of
Haiti. Be respectful when using the camera. Some people will not allow their photo
to be taken. It is best to ask when focusing in on someone. All team members will
be given a copy of the photos taken during the trip. Your team leader will discuss
with you how the trip photos will be shared (i.e., shared photo site, flash drive)


Most Haitians can understand French, yet they speak Creole. A morning greeting
will be “Bonjou.” An afternoon or evening greeting will be “Bonswa.” When you are
walking in the streets, typically Haitians will not greet you until you greet them first.
Most are very friendly. A normal stance for Haitians is to have their arms crossed
which we might interpret as being mad, crabby or stand offish, but this is their
relaxed position. Sometimes you will hear Haitians call you “Blanc.” This just means
white or visitor. Always stay with the group and let your light shine!

We are all God’s children.
We worship the same God,
have faith in the same
God, pray to the same
God, and have hope in the
same God!
“…whatever you did for
the least of these brothers
of mine, you did for me.”
~ Matthew 25:35-40



While in Haiti

Short-term mission trips are an incredible opportunity to grow spiritually, to cultivate
an awareness of the world and needs around you, and to respond to God’s call to
share the Gospel through personal and servant ministry. Haitian lives are changed
as a result of your visit, and your life will be changed too. We strive to offer everyone
the opportunity for hands-on ministry. We trust that God will work through all the
planning, preparation and prayer to make your trip a powerful experience and to
glorify Christ. Your trip itinerary may include the following, but is subject to change:


Healing Haiti delivers fresh, chlorinated water, bucket by bucket to thousands of
families daily, without charge. Healing Haiti’s water truck employs 3-4 Haitians to run
the truck and provides for their families.
You will help deliver water, play with kids and interact with the communities. By
spending time with these children, you are able to acknowledge them as beautiful,
worthy children created in God’s image. You can learn their names and let them
know that they are not forgotten.


Our teams visit Home for Sick & Dying Babies to hold, feed, change and pray silently
for sick and dying children, who have been brought to the facility by their parents or
abandoned to the Sisters. Plan on shedding some tears. Most babies will cry and
those that are able will put their arms up when they see you! Happy once you pick
them up—they won’t be happy when you put them back down. You may want to
hold and nurture several or pick a few favorites to bond with. They all will appreciate
your loving arms around them! These babies are malnourished, have birth defects,
or other illnesses.
Our teams also visit Home for the Sick & Dying Adults to give therapeutic massage,
pray silently for the patients and show Christ’s love.


Our teams visit the 16 acres of property in Titanyen that is home to Grace Village.
You will be amazed to see God’s work at Grace Village, which is complete with a
church, school, library, medical clinic, feeding center, children’s homes, bakery/cafe,
and a trade school.


Our teams visit elderly that we care for in Titanyen. We have the opportunity to
pray with them, sing with them, visit with them and to hear their stories. They are so
grateful for our visits and for the friendship and companionship that our teams bring
to their lives.


Healing Haiti supports several different schools by assisting with the teachers’
salaries. All of them educate poor children. Paying the teachers’ salaries allows the
children to go to school for little or no cost. It is eye opening to walk into a small
classroom and see 40-60 children crowded together, but eager to learn. We quickly
realize how blessed our children are to attend the schools they do in the U.S.

Your flexibility is appreciated!
Changes in schedule
are likely to occur for
various reasons including
safety of the team.


Our teams visit various orphanages that partner with Healing Haiti. Teams have the
chance to share God’s love with these children through Bible stories and interactive
play. We also help serve food and play soccer with the children who participate in a
soccer program that one of our partner organization runs.


There’s nothing like praising God with 300+ children and adults at Grace Church.
Along with the Haitian worship team and our Pastors, it is an experience and opportunity
to meet God and share our common faith in Him and the promises He makes.
It is hard to understand the joy that we witness in Haiti in the middle of extreme
material poverty. In addition to Grace Church, there are several other opportunities
to participate in worship throughout your week, including Mass with the Sisters.
Check with your team leaders for more information.


After church, we often times take a tap tap ride up the side of the mountain to see
a part of Haiti we have not seen during the week. This provides us with the opportunity
to support the Haitian economy by purchasing Haitian crafts along the way.
Many take this time to buy gifts for family and friends and even themselves to help
remember this life-changing week where God had His way with us—many don’t want
the week to end. God is good—All the time!

Simple Guidelines for Your Missions Trip

• Be prompt. Be at breakfast by 8 AM. Our teams leave at 9 AM for the day’s
activities. We typically eat dinner 1/2 hour after returning to the guest house or
around 5 PM.
• Be flexible. Changes in schedule are likely to occur for various reasons including
safety of the team.
• Be patient & understanding. Try to be solution-focused. Look for the good
in the bad. Your experience may not always be comfortable and Satan likes to
interfere with it.
• Be present. Refrain from the use of electronics and social media outlets during
the times of 8 AM – 8 PM. Allow this time to be God’s time. Spend quiet time
seeking His voice, journaling, reading your Bible, and nurturing the relationships
with those around you. Be present and in the moment of what is happening
around you.
• Serve others with a cheerful heart. Look for opportunities to serve others
around you, including your team members, long-term missionaries, and our
Haitian staff. We encourage you to put their comfort before your own.
• Be open. Leave room for God to show up and do His work. Don’t be dependent
on the schedule and our earthly plans.
• Share. We ask that you share each evening during group time what impacted
you that day and other thoughts about your experience. We also ask that you
participate in group devotions and prayer throughout the week.
• Get your shine on. Always carry yourself in a way that honors Christ and offers a
positive witness to the Haitian people, your team members, long-term missionaries,
and other guests who may be staying at the guest house.

“Give your HANDS to
serve and your HEARTS to
~Mother Teresa


“Therefore encourage one
another and build each
other up, just as in fact
you are doing.”
~ 1 Thess. 5:11

Returning Home from Haiti

Team members have found when we get back home, we are so full of excitement and
awe. We also feel some guilt at our abundance and maybe even be a bit judgmental
of our culture and how we spend money and lack godly priorities.
Recognize these feelings. Begin to make changes in your own life. Pray. Share
your experiences with your family, your church, your friends, and your co-workers.
Show them your photos, direct them to the Healing Haiti blog or website, put a
presentation together and ask God to help you raise awareness and funds for Haiti.
Hopefully, on your trip you saw very clearly how one person can impact a life.

Helping Haiti From Home:

• Visit Healing Haiti has put together an extensive
listing of ways to plug-in and sponsor those that God puts in your path. Whether
it is a child, an elderly, an opportunity to help fund the water truck or support a
long-term missionary, all of these things can be found with a click of your mouse.
• Present to your church or school. Utilize what God has given you—your
experience, the new perspective and lens that you see life through—to be an
advocate for the poor. Share what God has put on your heart with your friends
and family. Encourage them to step out in faith and let God have His way with
them for a week.
• Find out how God has you wired and plug in. Healing Haiti is primarily a
volunteer organization here in the United States. Find out what your spiritual
gifts are and how you can use them to bring glory to God by taking a spiritual
gifts assessment at Then talk to leaders and look
for opportunities to help by volunteering. You can find the current volunteer
opportunities at
• Attend a Healing Haiti Fundraiser. Healing Haiti holds annual fundraisers,
1. The Sweetheart Ball, a Valentine event held in February.
2. The Give to the Max Day held in November.
3. A Family Fun Night.
• Pray Pray Pray! Please pray for the ministries of Healing Haiti, for our missionaries
and for our staff.


You are not alone! Healing Haiti offers a Re-entry Ministry to help anyone who
might have trouble adjusting back to life in the U.S. after returning from one of our
mission trips to Haiti. The Healing Haiti Re-entry team is a group of caring individuals
who have committed their time to help short-term missionaries with the variety of
emotions and experiences that persist in serving God’s amazing people in Haiti.
Individual facilitators are ready to talk through the experiences you had and shed
perspective from their own experiences. Having a Re-entry Coach can:
• assist you in navigating family dynamics resulting from short-term mission trips
• lend a supportive ear to work through your mixed emotions
• dedicate prayer support
• suggest opportunities to further connect to the mission
• discuss ideas for continued transformation
• connect into the greater Healing Haiti community
• facilitate ideas for adjustment back to your life

If you are in need of extra support during this re-entry period, please reach out to
your team leaders who can assist you in getting further connected.

God wants your heart to
break for what breaks His.