Top Ways You Can Help Haiti in 2017


Many people are wanting to know how to help Haiti now. The needs of the people and the situation of the country changes. If you are looking for how you can help Haiti in 2017, these points explain the most important ways you can support the mission to heal Haiti.

Donate to Haiti

Donating supplies such as clothes, shoes, baby formula and vitamins are often the immediate basic needs requested by relief organizations. Checking directly with the organization is recommended to avoid donating items they may already have a surplus of. You can also get specific information about how to send your goods from the individual organizations, as well.

Money is always the quickest way to help get medical supplies, housing, food and other emergency funding relief to those in need. Always thoroughly research the organization you are giving cash to so you know exactly where it is going and how it will be used.

Volunteer in Haiti 2017

Whether you are considering a short-term mission trip to Haiti or a long-term mission trip to Haiti, the backing of a volunteer organization is crucial. Taking mission trips to Haiti through a volunteer organization ensures you have a plan, supplies, and preparation to maximize efforts for relief where the need is the greatest.

Volunteering through an organization like Healing Haiti is much safer than making a mission trip on your own.

Start a Campaign

Organizing a fundraiser or community drive is a wonderful way to help Haiti. Educating your group by staying informed of the current needs in Haiti motivates your family, friends, church and other social and local groups to get involved.

Contact Healing Haiti for information about campaigns and fundraisers that were successfully done by other organizations.

pray for haiti


Prayer is a powerful part of the Healing Haiti mission. Pray for the peace and comfort of the Haitian people. Pray for the missionaries and the mission trip organizers. Pray for God’s guidance and grace as we glorify Him in all we do.

You can help heal Haiti now with any of these suggestions. If you have any questions or ideas about helping, contact Healing Haiti today.