Why Every Youth Group Should Experience a Mission Trip To Haiti


 A Haiti mission trip offers a wonderful opportunity to serve God and grow your faith in new ways.  It allows a young person to really experience first-hand the power walking out your faith and becoming a disciple of Christ.

Haiti Mission Trips for Youth Bring a Sense of Unity to Your Team

A 2017 mission trip for your youth group will empower them as individuals and as a team.  The opportunity to serve shoulder to shoulder with one another creates a unique bonding experience and sense of team.  As a youth group, you will have the chance to share your day each evening in circle time.  When you begin to hear the impact of their journey, you are drawn into their story and become bonded like never before.  Serving together is the best way to build life-long friendships and memories that you will cherish forever!

Youth Experience Discipleship Outside of Their Comfort Zones

When students are outside of their comfort zone, something amazing happens.  They begin to realize their dependence on God and each other and that is when real growth can occur!  Real world living in a different culture crosses the comfort lines for most youth.  Meeting new people in circumstances never experienced before also requires youths to dig deep and see what they are capable of.  Serving on a Healing Haiti mission trip will challenge them, grow them, and bond them in deeper ways.

Youth Become Immersed in Another Culture That Opens Their Eyes and Their Hearts

A 2017 Healing Haiti mission trip will broaden the perspective of your Youth Group.  Despite social media and technology enabling kids to be more connected in the past, they can’t experience another culture without being immersed in it.

Seeing the reality of poverty through lack of water, food, education, and jobs will open their eyes to social injustice and the importance of making a difference.  God uses this experience to change our hearts and really ponder the question “What is God trying to teach me?” Now is the time to plan a transformative Haiti Mission trip in 2017 for your youth group!