I have learned a lot from God…

I am very appreciative of how purposeful Healing Haiti is in crafting a powerful experience for the travelers while also serving the people of Haiti. I came away with a greater sense of hope about Haiti than I anticipated going in. Thank you.

“Family” time at the guest house. These 15 other people became my family within minutes of being there. It was wonderful. 2. The staff. They were absolutely wonderful. They were helpful and happy. They genuinely cared.

Strong, yet quite. We were allowed to experience everything through our own eyes rather than through their experiences. We knew we were watched over always so we felt soft yet allowed to interact to our fullest.

How to pray. How to love. How to enjoy the simple things. How to be happy even if I am sad. How to realize you can help someone with just a kind word or a smile. I have learned a lot from God.

Thank you for doing this with God and Healing Haiti,